#RoboStache SXSW 2015 Part 1: "Helper Disks"

Getting ready for SXSW 2015 with #RoboStache, a 3D printed fake mustache with hi-brite LEDs, sensors and Arduino microcontroller. The device will facilitate attendee brainstorming walkabouts around Austin. Sign up through the mail list at http://www.robostache.com
The 'Stache is a social experiment I hope will replicate some of the epic sessions we have had at Qualcomm
I was a co-founder of something called FLUX (Forward Looking User Experience), an employee driven collaborative IP generation methodology. Through our moderated approach, we were able to generate more than 60 patents in 60 months.
Here is an example from one of my personal contributions to the Qualcomm patent portfolio in the UX space, for what happens to Tablet/Smartphone content hidden beneath the users fingers:
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