GadgetX is dedicated to promoting concepts that move technology forward in positive ways. The goal is to understand and interact with others around technology.
Anthony Blow, Qualcomm Incorporated
A lifetime of interest in technology and passion for new ideas drive GadgetX. For more than 30 years, Anthony served in engineering roles spanning several divisions of Qualcomm Incorporated, contributing innovative ideas and insights with patents granted in electronic and mechanical systems. Anthony currently lives and works in San Diego, Ca with his wife Cheryl, an educator.
Dr. Paul Jacobs, Chairman(2009-2018), Qualcomm Incorporated
Qualcomm Flux(Forward Looking User Experience)
Social Networking, Media, Conference Interactions
The views expressed in are the sole opinions of Anthony Blow and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Qualcomm Incorporated, it's subsidiaries, partners or customers. 2014